Thursday, November 9, 2017

11.9.17 Bee-otch of the Day: Donald Trump

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on


Name: Donald Trump
Age: 71
Occupation: right-winged jackass
Last Seen: Vietnam
Bee-otched For: one year of making us ask, "why?"


It was one year ago this morning that I was predicting an easy win for Hillary Clinton.

She had been leading in the polls up to Election Day and was the favorable candidate over the flaming Cheeto known as Drumpf. It was 3:30 in the morning when I turned on my phone, prepped breakfast, and headed back to my phone. I turned on the screen and there it was in living color: Drumpf had been elected as the 45th president of the United States.

Let's just say that when I screamed the words "oh my God", I was thankful that my neighbors didn't wake up.

Sadly, I knew this day would come. I was so pissed that instead of typing a Bee-otch of the Day, I simply notified my readers that there weren't any words. I was speechless. Then again, that day would come.

In the end, yes, Hillary Clinton did win the popular vote. but thanks to her reluctance to campaign in the Rust Belt and the sabotage her own party made against Bernie Sanders, she lost despite winning the popular vote by three million votes. Despite the fact that Drumpf won Michigan by only 10,000 votes and other states by slim margins, his win still shocks so many people.

Since winning the election, Drumpf has focused on killing Obamacare, fucking over the middle class with a tax code that favors the wealthy and spending billions on a wall to keep Mexicans out of America. Also, since becoming president, there have been two huge mass shootings and since the NRA is on his side, don't expect him to stop the sale of semi-automatic weapons and bump stocks any time soon.

But there is some good news. In Tuesday's election, Dems won gubernatorial races in New Jersey and Virginia, showing signs that Americans are simply fed up. If the Dems can not fuck up with their DNC SNAFU from last year and the Repukes keep assaulting the middle class, well, this will be a victory for the Dems next year.

One year down, three more to go.... or less.


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