Thursday, August 18, 2016

8.18.16 Bee-otches of the Day: The Koch Brothers

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on



Names: Charles and David Koch
Ages: 80, 76
Occupation: Koch Industries
Last Seen: Kansas
Bee-otched For: making us hate watching the news


Watching the NBC Nightly News last night, yes, the big story was the fiasco involving Ryan Lochte and his stolen goods. But the other big news stories involved the horrific flooding in Indiana and the wildfires ravaging California.

I know, this type of shit's been going on for ages. It reminded me of when Johnny Carson called David Letterman to say that the mudslides were putting the fires out in California over 20 years ago. But in Louisiana's case, the last thing they need is more rain.

Thousands of homes have been buried because of flooding. Several times, I've had to see the painful images of a man pulling up the water-damaged photo of his daughters. Thousands of people in America are suffering and many don't even have insurance.

What's worse is that global warming is still a huge topic and the media doesn't talk much about it. Personally, I think it's because of this.

Since Quilted Northern, and Sparkle, along with Brawny, Georgia Pacific and so many others are all made by the Koch brothers, that explains why. For years, they've practically told the media, "we advertise on your fucking show. If you talk about global warming, we're taking our money elsewhere."

Of course, the Kochs are one of the world's largest polluters, adding more shit to our fragile environment. Thankfully, there's other products that are pro-environment, especially with the Seventh Generation brand.

Maybe if we all made the switch, the world would be a safer place.
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