Thursday, March 10, 2016

3.10.16 Bee-otches of the Day: the media

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on



Name: the media
Age: ageless
Occupation: the supposed informers and entertainers of our people
Last Seen: everywhere
Bee-otched For: getting it wrong with Bernie 

Yesterday, the people of Michigan celebrated as a man the media loves to refer to as the underdog in the Democratic primaries defeated the Pantsuit.

Bernie Sanders defeated Hillary Clinton 50% to 48%, shocking virtually everybody, especially the media that reported that Hillary was the favorite by a huge margin. But, the voters came out in droves to quiet their biased asses.

Yes, the media is truly eating crow over the fact that they claimed that Hillary was the favorite to win. After all, when Hillary and Bernie finished a debate on CNN, social media reported that Bernie won. But CNN themselves stepped in and cried that Hillary won. The reason? Their parent, TimeWarner is a huge donor to Clinton. Even MSNBC censored one of Bernie's speeches simply because he started talking about the Pipeline, which parent Comcast supports.

But seriously, folks, this is Michigan.

Our state has been spat on and shat on for decades. Flint and Detroit were huge epicenters for the automobile industry, but greed, Japan and union busting killed it. Hell, you can't even drink water in Flint anymore. Our state - once a union powerhouse - is now a Right-to-Work for less state thanks to our idiot beancounter governor and his pals the Devos family.

This is why Bernie won, folks. True, it was a close race, but people want a man who is a true Democrat. Somebody whose FDR-style ideals will return this country back to what it was until assholes like Ronald Reagan and the Bushes took over and ruined the tax code and spat on the 1% in the process. True, Hillary is still in the lead nationally, but I hope that Michigan will give the country the wake-up call this election needs. True, Bernie is an old man, but hey, unlike the Pantsuit, he actually campaigned in northern Michigan. Have the Clintons ever visited Traverse City or even know where it is on a map? Doubt it.

With many more states to go, I hope people will really start to Feel the Bern.

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