Tuesday, January 26, 2016

1.26.16 Bee-otches of the Day: David Daleiden and Sandra Merrit

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on Chuck69.com.



Names: David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt
Ages: 26, ??
Occupations: anti-abortion advocates
Last Seen: Houston, TX
Bee-otched For: getting busted for lying

There's a lesson we all must learn: don't fuck with women's rights.

Last year, an anti-abortion group called the Center of Medical Progress created a video where a person was asking a representative for Planned Parenthood various questions, such as what happens to the fetuses when they're aborted. It appears that the woman was saying that they sell parts of the fetus, which is very illegal.

Since the video was released, there was massive outrage against PP with protests and politicians such as now-ousted Michigan rep Cindy Gamrat wanting to eliminate their funding. There was even a mass shooting in front of a PP clinic in Colorado that killed a policeman. But now, the duo behind the video has been indicted.

A court in Houston has indicted David Daleiden for felony charge of tampering with a government record and a misdemeanor for purchasing human organs. His accomplice, Sandra Merritt, was charged with tampering with a government record.

The two worked for the CMP, which made the videos which were designed to expose PP as a bunch of baby killers. The case requested by Texas governor Dan Patrick who is an opponent against abortion and PP. According to Harris County District Attorney Devin Anderson, the case was quite thorough and found no wrongdoing on PP's part.

Look. Abortion is 100% legal in America. These assholes who wasted their time making these videos are nothing more than a bunch of liars who made people think that they're holier than thou when in fact, all it did was create one giant shitstorm. David and Sandra got what they deserved and now, they could be seeing steel.

Planned Parenthood needs to be awarded for what they do, not the opposite. Only 3% of what they do is abortion-related. The rest includes sex ed, cancer screening, birth control and scores of others. This group needs our support, not the other way around.

But when people support a bunch of liars, remember, they're the ones going to jail.

Got a Bee-otch to nominate? E-mail us @ chuck69dotcom@gmail.com. All suggestions (except for me) are welcome!

Bee-otch of the Day Archives can be seen on http://beeotchoftheday.blogspot.com!

Bee-otch of the Day is a production of Chuck69.com, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!

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