Wednesday, January 20, 2016

1.20.16 Bee-otch of the Day: Rick Snyder

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on



Name: Rick Snyder
Age: 58
Occupation: The Fred Rogers of Michigan politics... ONLY MORE SINISTER
Last Seen: Lansing, MI
Bee-otched For: another craptastic State of the State


Ladies and gents, I missed the State of the State Address.

And guess what? The sun rose today and it will set at the end of the day.

Instead of hearing Governor Snyder say the same old shit over and over, I decided to watch Family Feud last night because, well, you can learn a lot more from Steve Harvey, even though he fucked up the Miss Universe pageant than from an asshole who willingly caused the people of Flint to get sick.

Watching the news before the speech however, showed a cattle call of protesters calling for Snyder's resignation. People are fed up with his pathetic leadership and it shows with a pissed-off middle class and poor people seeing their elected officials get demoted as Snyder's band of EFM Nazis take over their cities.

I did, however, catch the Democratic response to Snyder's borefest from Auburn Hills Rep. Tim Greimel, and the dude is a far better politician than Snyder by too many miles. He's calling for transparency in the state government since the state, along with Massachusetts are the only two in the nation that protects their governors from the Freedom of Information Act, which means that Snyder's emails regarding the Flint water crisis that could incriminate him will not be made public. Griemel also suggested that Michigan improve the way we handle college debt.

You know, I am waiting and hoping that somebody will step up and order Snyder from his post. I'm tired of him crying that we need to find a way to solve Flint's water crisis. While he's doing that, children will probably develop health issues over the years while people are losing their hot water heaters because of all the lead. It makes me proud that I live in a city that puts fluoride in the water supply instead.

Rick Snyder: maybe instead of comparing him to Mr. Rogers, we oughta compare him to Laurel and Hardy rolled up into one. After all, it's another fine mess he got us all into.  
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