Thursday, July 30, 2015

7.30.15 Bee-otch of the Day: Walter Palmer

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on



Name: Walter Palmer 
Age: 55
Occupation: dentist
Last Seen: unknown
Bee-otched For: murdering an innocent lion
Time for me to jump on the Cecil the Lion bandwagon.

By now, you should know about Cecil, the 13-year-old lion who was murdered by a Minnesota dentist who shot him with a bow and arrow and then disemboweled him as his trophy. Cecil was given a GPS collar by Oxford University as a project and was well-greeted by visitors who visited him on safari in his homeland of Zimbabwe.

Since the news of Cecil's murder, lots of love and support are pouring out in his memory. Even Jimmy Kimmel choked up while talking about him.

Cecil's murderer is Walter Palmer, a dentist from Bloomington, MN who loves killing majestic animals. He's killed other lions, leopards and even faced jail time in Wisconsin for killing a bear. He paid $55,000 to kill Cecil, whose headless carcass was seen on the outskirts of the park where he roamed.

Look, I come from a hunting family. We've owned a cabin in the U.P. of Michigan since 1928. Personally, I don't hunt (too boring), but I deeply appreciate my family's hunting history. Hunting deer is one thing, but killing majestic - and endangered - animals is another. I hope that the people who go to River Bluff Dentistry will stop going. If my dentist was killing innocent animals, I'd be going to another dentist instead. People like Walter Palmer need to be ashamed for what they do.

He needs to take Jimmy John and Ted Nugent to the hell he's going to with him as well.

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