Thursday, July 18, 2013

7.18.13 Bee-otch of the Day: Rick Snyder

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on


Name: Rick Snyder
Age: 55
Occupation: failed CEO
Last Seen: Ann Arbor, MI
Bee-otched For: outsourcing

When Rick Snyder was the CEO of Gateway Computers, he was notorious for outsourcing jobs to China.

Eventually, under Snyder's control of the company, Gateway became a dud in the computer world and eventually, Snyder and co. sold out to the Taiwanese. Now, it's a part of Acer.

Sadly, Snyder's still making the same mistakes. Now as governor of the state of Michigan, he's doing everything to kiss his and 1% ass. In this case, he's printing brochures for the state's "Pure Michigan" campaign to promote tourism.... Iowa.

That's right! Pure Michigan brochures made in Iowa. It's almost like an American flag made in China. According to Snyder's camp, the reason for the Iowan Pure Michigan brochures is because it's cheaper. The brochures will cost $1.5 million to make.

So, it's cheaper to put together and print Pure Michigan ads in Iowa, saving taxpayers big time bucks, but our state's government can't support their own print shops? Stupid. As somebody who works in the industry itself, I think it's retarded that once again, Snyder has stuck his head up his ass and won't support his state's own. Saving money? How about REDISTRIBUTING it?

2014 won't be a good year for the nerd.

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