Tuesday, December 20, 2011

12.20.11 Bee-otch of the Day: Kim Jong-il

Name: Kim Jong-il
Age: deceased; was 69
Occupation: dictator
Last Seen: in Hell
Bee-otched For: being another dead guy we all hated

Yes, it must be so ronry getting poked by pitchforks, living in a sea of fire and having Satan's cock up your ass at all times.

It was made official on Sunday night by the North Korean government that long-time dictator Kim Jong-il passed away from a heart attack at the age of 69. Jong-il ran the country for 17 years, preceeding his father, Kim Il-Sung. The elder Kim was made eternal president of the communist nation, which was founded shortly after the end of World War II.

Under his rule, Kim Jong-il virtually enslaved his own people and was looked on as one of the worst leaders of any nation on earth. He threatened to attack any nation he wanted, and the U.S. was one of his targets. He would fire test missles, hoping for an invasion of America.

Thankfully, the attacks never happened. However, since his family's ruled North Korea since 1948, it might be under his and his father's aegis for a while. Already, his 27-year-old son Kim Jong-un has been named as a noted successor.

If 2011 were to be known for something, it would be the deaths of some of the world's worst leaders with Jong-il dying with Osama bin Laden and Mummar Kahdaffi. Sadly, however, the job's not done. There's still lots of evil people out there that we need to fight against.

And one of those people is:


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