Tuesday, June 28, 2011

6.28.11 Bee-otch of the Day: Michele Bachmann

Name: Michele Bachmann
Age: 55
Occupation: Minnesota Congresswoman
Last Seen: Stillwater, MN
Bee-otched For: running for president, even though her facts aren't straight
This broad went to Oral Roberts University and walked out an idiot who's just a few steps away from Sarah Palin.
Michele Bachmann thinks she has what it takes to beat President Obama in the 2012 elections. She thinks that he knows nothing about improving the economy, and that it will be her top priority. She's a Republican, who is for teaching religion in public schools, against the minimum wage, for phasing out Social Security and Medicare and anti same-sex marriage.
But like her fellow Tea Party leader from Alaska, Michele has proven that she too has no friggin' brain.
In an interview, Bachmann told a reporter that she's from Waterloo, IA, which is also the birthplace of John Wayne. She even compared her campaign to Wayne's life. However, she's either that stupid or she should learn how to read.
You see, John Wayne wasn't born in Waterloo. He was born 150 miles west in Winterset, not far from Des Moines. However, Waterloo was the home of another person named John Wayne... GACY.
Yep! John Wayne Gacy, the maniac who raped and killed 33 young men while playing a clown at birthday parties. Kinda sounds like what Bachmann will do as president: she'll rape and plunder the American people, especially those who work every day.
Yeah, yeah, Obama's not perfect. His troop removal in Iraq ain't much, the economy still blows and he's mum on protecting unions. But, we've captured Osama, we're improving health care and tough on companies that raise gas prices for the average driver. If she's an expert on saving the economy, she needs to prove it.
Thanks, but I don't want another Bush in office.  


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