Wednesday, January 12, 2011

1.12 Bee-otch of the Day: Westboro Baptist Church


Name: Westboro Baptist Church
Age: 55
Occupation: "church"
Last Seen: Topeka, KS
Bee-otched For: once again, celebrating a horrific tragedy
The more I look at the above, the more I want to stop using Times New Roman for my font.
OK, how's Tahoma? I'll give it a shot.
But yes, the flier you see above was made by the fine folks at Westboro Baptist Church, who where going to protest the six funerals to be held for those killed in last Saturday's bloodbath at a Safeway supermarket near Tucson. One of the funerals is for nine-year-old Christina Green, whose funeral is scheduled for Thursday. 
So, why would WBC want to protest a small girl, too young to truly know right from wrong's funeral? Simple: the family's Catholic.
But thankfully, the state of Arizona is respecting the families involved in the disaster by passing an emergency resolution that would ban protestors 300 feet from any funeral. Of course, the law is somewhat unconstitutional since it *does* infringe on First Amendment rights, but then again, this is Arizona we're talking about. Plus, I was listening to Mike Malloy Tuesday night and even he wanted to see WBC protest at the funerals to show people how purely stupid they are.
But of course, the Republican-led Arizona government banned the protesting to make themselves look good. After all, if they could, they could walk with the WBC nimrods.
The WBC is the church wannabe from Topeka, KS that believes that God hates homosexuals and that he hates America because overall, we're a gay-friendly nation. Most of the church's members are the Phelps family, in which Fred is the head pastor and founder.
Oddly enough, Fred Phelps is a Democrat at last check.
Ya know, it really shows how low these losers are. It's us vs. them, and we outnumber them too many-fold. The truth is, WBC and Jared Loughner are meant for each other. They both apparently hate Jews and Democrats. 
If you want to praise your god, praise your god. But, if you do it through violence and hate, than you aren't a man of your god. Plain and simple. Last I heard, Jesus was a man who healed the sick and cured the lame, and not a man with a 9mm Glock willing to blast everything in sight. Sorry, but God LOVES "fags". He loves everybody, even Gabrielle Giffords, Jewish and all and even the Phelps clan. 
Maybe, someday, karma will indeed hit the Phelpses. But it won't involve me picketing their church, either.
Can I go back to Times New Roman now? It's easier on my eyes. 


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